Dr. Ben Carson Net Worth and Biography (2023)

Dr. Ben Carson’s Net Worth - $30 Million

dr ben carson net worth

Dr. Benjamin Solomon Carson Sr. stands tall as a man of diverse accomplishments in the fields of medicine, writing, and politics. He has been a neurosurgeon with a groundbreaking career, a best-selling author, and a 2016 candidate for President of the United States on the Republican ticket. In March 2017, President Donald Trump appointed Dr. Carson as the 17th United States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. In this article, we will delve deep into Dr. Ben Carson’s impressive net worth journey, exploring the various factors that contributed to his financial success.

Inside Dr. Ben Carson’s Impressive Net Worth

Dr. Ben Carson’s current net worth is estimated to be around $30 million, a result of his successful and diverse portfolio that includes medical practice, speaking engagements, book royalties, and various business ventures. Dr. Carson has earned notoriety for his groundbreaking work in neurosurgery, serving as the first physician to successfully separate conjoined twins. His journey has led him to develop various sources of income, all contributing to his impressive net worth.

From Surgeon to Presidential Candidate: Dr. Ben Carson’s Net Worth Journey

Dr. Ben Carson began his career as a neurosurgeon, becoming the Director of Pediatric Neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins University at the age of 33. With a focus on traumatic brain injuries, brain and spinal cord tumors, epilepsy, and other neurological disorders, Dr. Carson quickly became a renowned figure in the medical field.

As his professional achievements started to gain global recognition, Dr. Carson began to receive lucrative offers to share his knowledge and experiences in the form of speaking engagements. With fees ranging from $12,000 to $50,000 per speech, Dr. Carson capitalized on this opportunity, raking in millions from his speaking engagements alone.

Apart from his surgical and speaking successes, Dr. Carson also ventured into writing, authoring several best-selling books. Earning between $1 million and $6 million from book royalties and advances, Dr. Carson further solidified his financial status in the process.

While on his presidential campaign in 2016, Dr. Carson’s finances became more transparent, unveiling the extent and diversity of his financial portfolio. At the time, Dr. Carson owned tens of millions of dollars worth of publicly traded equities in companies such as Kellogg and Costco while serving as a member of their Board of Directors.

The Business Ventures that Contributed to Dr. Ben Carson’s Net Worth

Dr. Carson’s diverse business ventures played a significant role in amassing his impressive net worth. Serving on the Board of Directors for several prominent companies, including Kellogg and Costco, he earned between $2 million and $10 million for his contributions.

In addition to his corporate affiliations, Dr. Carson worked as a contributor to Fox News and the Washington Times. In a 16-month period between 2014 and 2015, he earned between $200,000 and $2 million for his work as a journalist and commentator.

Furthermore, Dr. Carson’s best-selling books served as significant revenue generators. Titles such as “Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story,” “Think Big: Unleashing Your Potential for Excellence,” and “One Nation: What We All Can Do to Save America’s Future” resonated with readers worldwide, bringing in millions in royalties and advances.

Dr. Ben Carson’s Philanthropy and Charitable Contributions

Despite his wealth, Dr. Ben Carson remains dedicated to giving back and making a difference in the lives of people worldwide through his philanthropic efforts. With an unwavering commitment to public service and charitable contributions, Dr. Carson established the Carson Scholars Fund, a non-profit organization dedicated to awarding scholarships to students demonstrating academic excellence and strong humanitarian values.

Throughout his career, Dr. Carson has continued to donate to various causes and support philanthropic ventures. His commitment to helping others serves as a timeless testament to the values he embodies, making his impressive net worth all the more inspiring.


From being a groundbreaking neurosurgeon to a presidential candidate, Dr. Ben Carson’s diverse career accomplishments have significantly contributed to his impressive net worth. With his financial success coming from various ventures, including medical practice, speaking engagements, books, and corporate board memberships, Dr. Carson’s net worth is a testament to his determination and talent. As an individual who remains true to his values and committed to helping others, Dr. Ben Carson serves as an inspiring example for young professionals to chase their dreams and turn their hard work into financial rewards.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Ben Carson’s salary?

As the former United States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Ben Carson’s salary was a fixed government rate of around $200,000 per year. However, it’s essential to consider Dr. Carson’s diverse sources of income, including his speaking engagements, books royalties, and board memberships, which contributed significantly to his net worth.

How much does Ben Carson charge for speaking?

Dr. Ben Carson has made a fortune giving inspirational speeches, with his per-speech fee ranging from $12,000 to $50,000 on average. Between 2014 and 2015, he earned between $9 and $27 million in speaking engagement fees, book royalties, and salary as a board member on various companies.

Does Ben Carson have children?

Yes, Dr. Ben Carson and his wife, Candy, have three children - Rhoeyce, Benjamin Jr., and Murray.


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