George Farmer Net Worth: Businessman and Investor (2023)

George Farmer Net Worth - $180 Million

George Farmer net worth

As of April 2023, George Farmer’s net worth is estimated at a staggering $180 million. His wealth stems from several sources, including his equity in various business ventures, successful investments, and a portfolio of real estate holdings.

In recent years, Farmer’s net worth has continued to grow, fueled in part by his ongoing involvement in politics and his high-profile marriage to Candace Owens. While he was already quite wealthy by the end of 2020 with an estimated net worth of $150 million, his increasing engagement in politics and continued business successes have seen this figure rise to its current level of $180 million in just a short period of time.

By analyzing George Farmer’s impressive financial journey, we can glean several important lessons about the factors contributing to his success:

  • Taking calculated risks is essential to obtaining substantial rewards and building wealth.

  • Building connections and partnerships can open doors and create opportunities that might otherwise be unattainable.

  • Leveraging one’s strengths and expertise can lead to even greater success and financial gain.

  • Diversifying one’s business interests and investments can help to minimize risk and maximize returns.

Through his entrepreneurial spirit, strategic thinking, and willingness to take risks, George Farmer has managed to amass an incredible net worth that has positioned him as a force to be reckoned with in the worlds of business and politics alike. His success story serves as a powerful testament to the power of determination, hard work, and ambition in achieving extraordinary results.

Early Life

Born into British royalty, George Farmer had the advantage of growing up in a wealthy and well-connected family. Despite this privilege, George inherited a strong work ethic and intelligence from his successful parents. His father, Lord Michael Farmer, was notably involved in the world of copper trading, earning the nickname “Mister Copper” in London.

George excelled academically and went on to attend the University of London, where he earned a degree in Business Management. This educational background and his natural talent for business set the stage for his entrepreneurial journey, during which he would capitalize on his family’s wealth and resources to launch various ventures.


Leveraging the capital available to him through his family, George Farmer embarked on multiple business endeavors. In doing so, he honed his skills in identifying and cultivating successful ideas. His most notable achievements include the creation of the Red Kite Group, a copper production company that quickly experienced exceptional growth, and the transformation of his businesses’ focus from copper production to hedge fund investments.

In addition to his business success, George Farmer gained considerable attention for his political affiliations and activities. After marrying outspoken Trump supporter Candace Owens, Farmer too became an outspoken advocate for the former US president. Farmer’s involvement in the realms of both business and politics has contributed significantly to his impressive net worth today.

Red Kite Group

One of George Farmer’s most successful ventures is the Red Kite Group, a copper production company he founded with the support of his business partners. The company rapidly achieved significant success within its first two years, solidifying Farmer’s reputation as a savvy entrepreneur.

After witnessing the potential profits in the hedge fund industry, Farmer led the Red Kite Group to pivot from copper production to hedge fund investments. This unconventional move ultimately paid off, as the company’s equity and mining investments have continued to generate substantial income.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is George Farmer’s family?

George Farmer was born in London in 1989 to Lord Michael Farmer, a member of the British royal family, and Jennifer Potts. His father, also known as Baron Farmer, served as the treasurer of the Conservative Party in the UK.

Who is George Farmer’s wife?

George Farmer is married to Candace Owens, a prominent political commentator and right-wing activist. The couple got married in 2019.

What does George Farmer do?

George Farmer is a successful businessman and political investor who has made a name for himself through a variety of ventures, including his copper production company Red Kite Group, hedge fund investments, and real estate holdings.

How tall is George Farmer?

George Farmer stands at a height of 5 feet 11 inches (1.8 meters).


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