Kirk Du Plessis’ Net Worth: Option Alpha’s Founder (2023)

Kirk Du Plessis is not only a successful options trader, but also a self-made millionaire who has achieved financial freedom through his passion and expertise in the financial markets. In this article, we will reveal Kirk Du Plessis’ net worth and the factors that contributed to his financial success. We will also provide some background information on his education, career, and family.

Kirk Du Plessis’ Net Worth - $6 Million

kirk du plessis net worth

Kirk Du Plessis’ estimated net worth is $6 million, according to various sources. His net worth has grown steadily over the years, thanks to his options trading profits, his Option Alpha revenue, and his potential investments in other assets or businesses.

Some of the main sources of income and wealth for Kirk Du Plessis are:

  • His options trading profits: Kirk Du Plessis makes money by selling options premium and collecting income from various spread strategies. He also makes money by placing volatility-based trades on impending catalysts with straddles. He trades mostly liquid options on benchmark indices, liquid ETFs, and widely held S&P 500 stocks.

  • His Option Alpha revenue: Kirk Du Plessis makes money by offering premium content and services to his Option Alpha members.

  • His potential investments: Kirk Du Plessis may also have investments in other assets or businesses that generate passive income or capital appreciation for him. For example, he may have investments in real estate, stocks, bonds, cryptocurrencies, or startups.

Kirk Du Plessis: From Mergers and Acquisitions Analyst to Options Trader

Kirk Du Plessis started his career as a mergers and acquisitions analyst for Deutsche Bank Securities in New York, where he learned about the derivatives market and developed strategic trading plans. He worked there from 2006 to 2007, and gained valuable experience in the finance industry.

However, he soon realized that he could make more money and have more freedom by trading on his own account. He decided to quit his job and become a full-time options trader in 2007. He focused on selling options premium and managing risk with various spread strategies.

Trading options is not easy, and Kirk Du Plessis faced many challenges and risks along the way. He had to deal with market volatility, emotional stress, and capital management. He also had to learn from his mistakes and constantly improve his skills and knowledge.

Option Alpha: The Birth and Growth of an Online Education Platform

Kirk Du Plessis founded Option Alpha in 2008 as a personal blog to share his thoughts and insights on options trading with other investors. He wanted to help others learn from his experience and avoid common pitfalls. He also wanted to create a community of like-minded traders who could support each other.

Option Alpha evolved into a comprehensive online education platform that offers courses, podcasts, videos, webinars, software, and coaching to help investors learn and master options trading. The platform covers topics such as strategies, risk management, option pricing, trading psychology, and more.

Option Alpha has a unique value proposition and competitive advantage in the market. Some of its features include:

  • An evidence-based approach that uses historical data and backtesting to validate trading ideas and optimize performance.

  • A focus on risk management that teaches traders how to control their exposure and maximize their returns.

  • An automation feature that allows traders to create and run their own trading bots using a simple drag-and-drop interface.

Option Alpha Review

Option Alpha provides several great free educational resources, plus offers an automated options trading bot. Option Alpha’s free content is great, and the bot is a cool idea, but the price tag isn’t ideal especially when there are many other free trading communities you can join like HaiKhuu Trading.

HaiKhuu offers tons of value to its members including daily trading reports, a live voice call with professional traders, and AI trading bots that can help you make better trades. It is free to join the HaiKhuu Discord, so take advantage and join today!

Kirk Du Plessis Net Worth - Bottom Line

Kirk Du Plessis is a successful options trader and entrepreneur who has achieved financial freedom through his passion and expertise in the financial markets. He has a net worth of $6 million as of 2023, which reflects his income from his options trading profits, his Option Alpha revenue, and his potential investments.

He is also a generous and inspiring teacher who shares his knowledge and experience with others through his Option Alpha platform. He helps investors learn and master options trading with his evidence-based, risk-focused, and automation-enabled approach.


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