HaiKhuu Daily Report 06/18/2024

Good morning, and happy Tuesday! Market conditions are looking AMAZING and I hope that you all are ready and excited for another amazing day for the markets!

We are continuing to create new all-time highs, and markets are continuing to display strength. These conditions are amazing, and have provided us with some phenomenal opportunities to trade and realize gains.

We’ve had many members realize a significant amount of gains over the past couple of days, and I just want to take a moment to congratulate one of our discord members “allothersweretaken”. They made 800% on their portfolio yesterday, and I think that is amazing that we could help them make some life changing money in a single day. 

If that is not proof that anyone can succeed in our community, I do not know what is. 

So, let’s continue to have some fun and realize a significant amount of gains in the process. I think we are going to have an amazing time. 

Good luck trading, and let’s see where the markets take us! 

The updated $SPY daily levels are as follows:
Conversion Line Support: $538.63
Baseline Support: $533.44
Psychological Support: $500
Daily Cloud Support: $509.37

$SPY Daily Candles - [06/17/2024]

Thoughts & Comments from Yesterday, 06/17/2024

Yesterday, was an amazing day for the overall markets. There was a significant amount of bullish momentum with many great opportunities to trade and realize a significant amount of gains. We watched as markets made new all-time highs, and many other organizations made all-time highs too. Conditions were phenomenal, and traders were able to realize some wonderful gains. 

We started the day with $SPY opening at $542.11, down slightly from the previous close, but displaying a significant amount of strength in the process. We chopped around for the first couple of hours in the day, and everything was relatively uneventful. Conditions were not great, and they did not provide us with any good opportunities to trade in the process, but things did change extremely quickly leading into the lunchtime sesson.

During that time, $SPY went green again for the day with some slight bullish momentum, and continually pushed up throughout the early afternoon, to go on to absolutely go on a TEAR as volume came back into the markets. $SPY was trading at $544 prior to breaking out, and went on to make the official high of the day trading at $548.41. Conditions were absolutely crazy, but it provided us with the opportunities necessary to realize a significant amount of gains in the process. 

We ended the day with a slight drop in the markets, with $SPY trading at $547.10 up $4.32 or up 0.80%. It was genuinely an amazing day with many opportunities to make some life changing money in the process. I hope you all had a lot of fun and were able to realize a significant amount of gains. 

Heatmap - $SPY 06/17/2024

Thoughts & Comments for Today, 06/18/2024

Today is going to be an amazing yet extremely confusing day for the overall markets. With $SPY displaying a lot of strength, but markets being closed tomorrow, look to treat today like it is a Friday. Please be careful as opportunity is amongst us, but I believe there is a high likelihood that there is a decrease in both volatility and volume as a result of people not trading as much as a result of the market closure coming up. 

Despite this, look to continue to take advantage of these market conditions, and do what you can to maximize your profit potential, while still practicing safe risk management. Money is easily generated in these market conditions, but even though it is easily made, it can be lost even easier. So continue to make smart decisions when it comes to your allocations in the markets, and tread extremely lightly as a result. 

I would not advise taking on a significant amount of short term risk, mostly today as I do believe there will be a decrease in volatility, making it more difficult to remain consistent in the process. Traders will be provided with some amazing opportunities to trade, but again, at the end of the day, consistency is key. Anyone can have some fun and realize gains, but not many are consistent and can do this on a daily basis. Remaining consistent is not sexy or fun, but is part of the longevity of your portfolio. I’d rather make 1-2% daily on my portfolio with little to no risk, than risk my entire portfolio for a dice roll. The smart money will continue to have fun on a daily basis, while the dumb money is looking to have some fun. If you are trying to have fun, then head to the casino, because the markets have a lower EV if you are playing a bunch of terrible low-float “shitco’s” praying to hit the next runner, and at least the casino is not lying to you about it’s odds. 

For my allocation today, I will be not be trading at all. Again, this is due to personal reasons, not anything in regards to these market conditions or personal sentiment in the markets. I will be back and actively trading with you all on Thursday, and it will be a lot of fun doing so with you all, so let’s have an amazing time, have a lot of fun, and realize a significant amount of gains in the process! 

If I see any opportunities, or if I decide to get into any other plays, I’ll announce what I see in the HaiKhuu Discord.

My Personal Watchlist:

Note, just because something is on my watchlist does not mean it is a signal to buy or sell any equities



  • Long-Term Dividend - $GAIN / $JEPI

  • Long-Term Investment - $BA

Economic News for 06/18/2024

  • Retail Sales - 8:30 AM

  • Business Inventories - 10:00 AM

  • Fed’s Barkin Speaks - 10:00 AM

  • Fed’s Kugler Speaks - 1:00 PM

  • Fed’s Goolsbee Speaks - 2:00 PM

Notable Earnings for 06/18/2024

Pre-Market Earnings:

  • Americas CarMart (CRMT)

After-Hours Earnings:

  • KB Home (KBH)

Wrap up

Hopefully these market conditions continue to push with strength that we all can easily capitalize on and have a lot of fun in the process. I don’t think theres any reason why the strength should come to an end. Just a reminder that the markets are CLOSED tomorrow, so enjoy your day off, and let’s see what the markets do today! 

Good luck trading, and let’s see another ALL-TIME HIGH!


Highlighted Trades - 06/18/2024


Highlighted Trades - 06/17/2024