Swaggy Stocks Features & How You Can Use Them

Swaggy Stocks is a social analytics platform that provides investors and traders with various tools to find trading opportunities and determine the overall market sentiment. 

In this article, we will explain what Swaggy Stocks is, how it works, and how you can use it to boost your trading performance.

What is Swaggy Stocks and Why You Should Use It

Swaggy Stocks is a website that uses alternative data from online sources such as Reddit, Twitter, and news articles to track the most mentioned stocks and crypto. By analyzing the online chatter and emotions of millions of users, Swaggy Stocks can help you discover new trends, identify potential short squeezes, monitor options activity, and more.

Swaggy Stocks is not just a simple sentiment tracker. It is a comprehensive social intelligence platform that offers various features and analytics to help you understand the stock market better. Whether you are a beginner or an expert, you can benefit from using Swaggy Stocks to enhance your trading strategy.

How to Use Swaggy Stocks Features to Boost Your Trading Performance

Swaggy Stocks has tons of features that you can use to your advantage. Here are some of the main ones:

Options Max Pain Calculator

swaggy stocks max pain calculator

If you trade options, you might have heard of the max pain theory. The max pain theory states that on options expiration day, the stock price will tend to move towards the strike price where the most options contracts expire worthless. This is because the market makers who sell options want to minimize their losses by forcing the options buyers to lose money.

Swaggy Stocks has a free max pain calculator that you can use to see where the max pain point is for any stock. You can also view this data historically to see how accurate it is. To use the max pain calculator, simply enter the ticker symbol and select the expiration date. You will see a chart that shows the max pain point and the distribution of call and put options.

The max pain calculator can help you predict where a stock price might end up on options expiration day. You can read our article on the max pain options theory to learn more. Additionally, the HaiKhuu Trading Discord has a max pain calculator that automatically updates you can use for free!

Theta Gang IV Tracker

Another useful feature for options traders is the theta gang IV tracker. This feature allows you to view implied volatility and open interest for different stocks. 

You can use the theta gang IV tracker to find cheap or expensive options based on IV and OI. You can also use it to find different strategies, such as selling covered calls or buying straddles based on IV and OI.

Wall Street Bets Sentiment

If you want to know what the most popular subreddit for stock trading is talking about, you can use the wall street bets sentiment feature on Swaggy Stocks. This feature allows you to view the wall street bets fear and greed index, top trending stocks on wsb, and find the top yolo threads.

The wall street bets fear and greed index measures the overall mood of the wsb community based on the emotions expressed in their comments.

The top yolos threads shows you the most outrageous bets made by wsb users. You can see how much money they risk, how much they win or lose, and how they react to their results. You can also see how other users comment on their trades. The top yolos threads can help you get inspired or amused by their stories.

Social Sentiment

swaggy stocks social sentiment

If you want to know what other online sources are saying about different stocks, you can use the social sentiment feature on Swaggy Stocks. This feature allows you to view stock market news sentiment analysis in charts, the top companies mentioned on social media, top SPACs, and hot penny stocks.

The news sentiment analysis shows you the tone and polarity of news articles related to different stocks. You can see how many articles are positive, negative, or neutral for each stock. You can also see how the news sentiment changes over time. 

The top companies mentioned on social media shows you which stocks are getting the most buzz and engagement from various platforms such as Twitter, Stocktwits, Reddit, etc. You can see how many times a stock is mentioned and how positive or negative the sentiment is. You can also see how the social volume changes over time. 

The top SPACs shows you which special purpose acquisition companies are getting the most attention and hype from investors and traders. You can see how many times a SPAC is mentioned, how many followers it has, and how positive or negative the sentiment is. You can also see how the SPAC price changes over time. The top SPACs can help you find potential merger targets or arbitrage opportunities.

The hot penny stocks shows you which low-priced stocks are getting the most volume and volatility from speculators and gamblers. You can see how many times a penny stock is mentioned and how positive or negative the sentiment is. You can also see how the penny stock price changes over time. 

Short Squeeze

swaggy stocks short squeeze

A short squeeze can be triggered by various factors, such as positive news, earnings beats, analyst upgrades, or viral social media campaigns. A short squeeze can also be self-fulfilling, as the rising price attracts more buyers and scares more short sellers. A short squeeze can result in huge gains for long investors and huge losses for short sellers in a matter of days or even hours.

To find a list of short squeeze stocks, you can use Swaggy Stocks’ short squeeze feature. This feature ranks the short squeeze stocks based onthe most mentioned stocks about short squeezes.


The crypto feature allows you to view a sentiment list for crypto to view if there is more bullish or bearish talk, social trends for cryptos, and the most social volume.

Crypto sentiment shows you the overall mood of the crypto community based on online chatter and emotions. You can see how many times a coin is mentioned, how many upvotes it gets, and how positive or negative the sentiment is. You can also see how the crypto sentiment changes over time. Crypto sentiment can help you gauge the market sentiment and the risk appetite of the crypto crowd.

Conclusion: Swaggy Stocks is Your One-Stop Shop for Social Analytics

Swaggy Stocks is a website that offers various features and analytics to help you understand the stock market better. By using alternative data from online sources such as Reddit, Twitter, and news articles, Swaggy Stocks can help you find trading opportunities and determine the overall market sentiment.

Whether you trade stocks or crypto, options or penny stocks, Swaggy Stocks can provide you with valuable insights and tools to boost your trading performance. 

If you want to learn more about trading on the stock market and investing, you should join HaiKhuu Trading. HaiKhuu Trading is one of the largest online platforms for retail traders to learn from experts and peers. You can access educational resources, live trading sessions, chat rooms, newsletters, and more.


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